Scribe in a sentence as a noun

But I ain't fetching the scribe because he's had a few decades wandering around.

You make my point all that much more clear, that some HN'er would come along and write under a scribe's note challenging the "veracity" of the scribe's comment.

Probably in ways we can't imagine now, just as an ancient Egyptian scribe could not have conceived of "commoners" writing YouTube comments or texting "whatup u?

Someone a thousand years ago would have dictated to his scribe the following:"Having everyone knowing how to read and write is the opposite of specialisation.

If a certain profession needs a document, it's much more efficient for specialist scribes to consult with domain experts, write that document, and sell it into the industry.

Scribe in a sentence as a verb

"Draconian is an adjective meaning great severity, that derives from Draco, an Athenian law scribe under whom small offences had heavy punishments.

" At press time, the princely scribe was seen finishing his apricot jasmine tea, asking a mere mortal sitting nearby to watch his literary accoutrements, and then prancing off to the Starbucks powder room, light as a feather.

He engaged a monk or other scribe to produce a book filled with wondrous and curious illustrations from multiple sciences, and a text that nobody could read, which he could tell his customers was the source of whatever great Eastern wisdom he wanted.

My knowledge of Koine grammar is rudimentary at best at the moment, so I can't translate yet, but because of this project I can effortlessly read and write it.> What have you learned so far, either about the process of hand-copying or about the content of the text you're copying?You hear anecdotes sometimes about some ancient scribes being illiterate, so they simply drew each character individually and checked them against the source.

Scribe definitions


French playwright (1791-1861)

See also: Scribe


informal terms for journalists

See also: scribbler penman


someone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts

See also: copyist scrivener


a sharp-pointed awl for marking wood or metal to be cut

See also: scriber


score a line on with a pointed instrument, as in metalworking