Copyist in a sentence as a noun

Was it moral for the copyists to be replaced by printing press?

In other words, Google can be found a copyist—even if there's no actual copying of code.

This TechCrunch guy has revealed that he's just a stenographer, just a copyist.

The idea of everlasting life is more recent, so it isn't present in the older texts, unless some copyist decided to "correct" that.

Before the arrival of printing, the "copyist's mistake" or "scribal error" was the equivalent for manuscripts.

It's the sort of **** that makes me question the veracity of the entire article, as well as the intelligence of the reporter / press-release copyist.

"Apple has yet to sue anyone other than blatant and uninspired copyists"Let's keep a little less brazen attitude about tech and engineering, shall we?

Just like the case with the Bible, manuscript copyists made their best efforts to copy accurately the manuscripts before them as they made new manuscripts, but mistakes happened once in a while.

Sometimes, as happened to Akai in the country where I lived, the brand takes the reputation hit for the problems from the copyists who were selling the copies at a price so close to the original the buyer couldn't tell whether they got an original or copy.

Copyist definitions


someone employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts

See also: scribe scrivener