Scrawl in a sentence as a noun

For the last few years now you can just scrawl to the bottom to read the answer.

My dad always brought home used A1/A0 paper from his design work for me and my brothers to scrawl on.

Yes, now I can see my lovely hybrid cursive manuscript scrawl on the screen!Would be fun to use that's for sure. :D

Eminem spends every spare moment writing lyrics, and if he has no paper he'll scrawl them on a wall.

Protesters typically scrawl the phone number for the NLG legal hotline on their arm, so they are able to call from jail.

Has anyone done this?To stay engaged, I've used the scrawl now and type later method, which means the notes never get out early enough.

It can be as simple as taking your time and making half-decent looking letters.<- Tired of attempting to read other's scrawl

Although if I'm communicating with trusted peers I have no shame in putting up a smeared, slanted, and mostly illegible scrawl.

Scrawl in a sentence as a verb

I'm an algebraic rather than an analytical thinker, and I like to scrawl out some thoughts and equations as I learn from the lecturer.

Captcha forums, where all the comments look like psycho-serial-killer scrawl formed by captchas, for our humans-only club.

As the pile of notebooks full of barely-legible handwritten scrawl grows and grows, so does the amount of money I'd be willing to pay a company for notebook transcription.

"The disorder of the desk, the floor; the yellow Post-it notes everywhere; the whiteboards covered with scrawl: all this is the outward manifestation of the messiness of human thought.

I would wager that if every ad on the internet was changed to a five-minute MS Paint scrawl, click-through rates would rapidly go back to where they were originally, if not drop even further.

My "Brain-Clearing Whiteboard" has a scrawl on it about investigating "refactorability" as an empirical code metric.

The fact that any patients leave any facility alive when their doctor sends them for a test, with a referral that spouts acronyms, abbreviations and generally aliterate scrawl is amazing.

Scrawl definitions


poor handwriting

See also: scribble scratch cacography


write carelessly

See also: scribble