Scoring in a sentence as a noun

This is how you do calculus on graphs, which is how you do scoring algorithms on graphs.

"Like scoring an own goal, doing a victory dance, and then sprinting back out to score another.

BitCoin, the Internet's answer to "Capture the Flag" now with scoring in dollars.

Even the low-scoring managers were doing pretty well.

Like a football team, we hackers all do our part in the blocking, tackling, running, throwing, catching, and scoring.

> I read somewhere that the chance of scoring a hit with a korean-war era air-to-air missile was about 5%.

Acquired startups aren't really valued in terms of forward revenue multiples, but that is the scoring system used by most bystanders to evaluate a deal.

How we all agree that every company works in their self interest and tries to spin it as best they can for the public's interest?Or this will just quickly devolve into point scoring nit picking.

" What happens, subconsciously, is that the stereotypical asian profile is "high scoring, high gpa, piano/violin, tennis, math/science.

You can use it to compute some of your scoring metrics, or read in a corpus, but...why bother?I'm slowly putting together an alternative, where you get exactly one tokeniser, exactly one tagger, etc.

A while back I developed a topic similarity scoring system that just counted the number of common traits things have in common, rather than using a dot product or K-L divergence or anything like that.

If I make a ranked list of all the ways that people spend their time, I cannot imagine a sensible scoring algorithm that puts making a quine relay lower in value than posting an internet comment bitching about somebody making a quine relay.

There are a bunch of companies which are getting FDA approval for computer vision related algorithms for scoring immunohistochemical assays for ER/PR/Her2 [1].So I am actually far less concerned about a computer doing my job very well, which is actually looking at a piece of tissue on a slide and making a tumor versus not-tumor distinction.

Scoring definitions


evaluation of performance by assigning a grade or score; "what he disliked about teaching was all the grading he had to do"

See also: marking grading