Scabbard in a sentence as a noun

If he’s facing us, then his scabbard is on his right side, making him left handed.

It is the latter, the scabbard, to be able to forget, that is the more important.

He prized the sword over the scabbard, and according to one legend left the scabbard behind to face his foe.

The sword meant he could not be defeated in battle, but the scabbard prevented his mortal wounding.

" As he was yet speaking, Raghava, drawing his brilliant and stainless sword from its scabbard, cut off his head.

I am reminded of one of the Arthurian legends - King Arthur was given a sword and a scabbard.

Or even a rarely-seen word like "scabbard" or "ragamuffin"?

Nothing looks stupider; there getups are the modern-day equivalent of the slide-rule scabbard or the calculater pouch on the belt, marking the user as belonging to a class that is at once above and far below human society.

Nothing looks stupider; these getups are the modern-day equivalent of the slide-rule scabbard or the calculator pouch on the belt, marking the user as belonging to a class that is at once above and far below human society.

Nothing looks stupider, these getups are the modern-day equivalent of the slide-rule scabbard or the calculator pouch on the belt, marking the user as belonging to a class that is at once above and far below human society.

Scabbard definitions


a sheath for a sword or dagger or bayonet