Saying in a sentence as a noun

I also seem to recall Richard Branson saying that he "needs his 8 hours.

I'm not saying you should agree with that logic, but it is logic that is often used.

Again, it's easy to see how something like "those assholes won't buy meat from me saying my meat isn't clean!

When I arrived, both officers denied saying I was required to carry ID when I asked the captain about the law.

I'm not saying I definitely could have done better, but I do think my probability of failure would have been <= to theirs.

Stop saying github is admitting to every point of Horvath's assertions!

Are you saying you have no system in place to monitor if transactions execute successfully?

I'm not saying that lightly, I worked for a dozen startups, a couple of which crashed hard in the most gut wrenchingly painful way you could imagine.

You don't even need to have a lawyer when you say that, but the prospect of your lawyer going to the employment commission and saying "My client was denied wages.

I'm only saying that publicly shaming these guys was a mistake, and that an apology for the mistake could have basically fixed the problem before it got this far.

During that entire time, her article stood with a very prominent notice saying it was going to be deleted, with a prominent link allowing people to argue in favor of keeping or, better yet, locate a real reliable source backing up any claim to her notability.

Saying definitions


a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations; "pardon the expression"

See also: expression locution