Locution in a sentence as a noun

Which led me to use the locution "les réseaux sociétaux" because ****.

That's why I prefer the "If it ain't broke, don't break it" locution.

Why use big words when grandiloquent locutions suffice?

As for whether or not philosophical ideas "need to be tested", that is such a vague locution that it's difficult to respond.

However, in the locution “prêt à manger,” the word is followed by a vowel sound, so the “t” is indeed pronounced, a phenomenon known as enchaînement.

"Netflix sends out an unprecedented amount of traffic" is one of several misleading locutions in this piece.

Slight nitpick: "noblesse oblige" not "noblesse obligue" French locution Noblesse oblige ~ En raison de leur caractère noble ~~ Because of their nobility

Very clearly, Spanish's use of the subjunctive very closely follows the hypothetical/unrealized aspect of the content, whereas French's use is less consistent with that aspect, and mostly depends on the locution being used.>I even miss Spanish’ subjunctive future in French!And yet I'm sure you don't have any problems expressing the hypothetical and/or fictious in Spanish, do you?

So much so that I almost wonder whether Microsoft made it a condition of providing a review device that the review had to avoid ever saying "the Surface" or "a Surface".As a measure of how unnatural the locution Microsoft's marketing people are trying to push on us is, notice that almost everyone here on HN, commenting on Anand's review that consistently uses MS's preferred form, none the less says "a Surface" or "the Surface" when referring to a particular instance rather than to the brand.

Locution definitions


a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations; "pardon the expression"

See also: saying expression