Savant in a sentence as a noun

But I allow neither the bootmaker nor the architect nor the savant to\n > impose his authority upon me.

It's not as if you are some savant memorizing all the lines of code and it helps to differentiate between "complexity" and "a mess.

The C++ savant can write the high performance webserver from his basement in Estonia, but you need the webdevs around so they can collaborate with the design team, ops, and product management.

It's too much at once; you're trying to teach them to think like an idiot savant computer, and teach them common patterns for translating their thoughts into code, and hit them with a bunch of low-level details about pointers and stacks and instructions?

For someone to think they see this trait in themselves is seemingly a contradiction, it's almost doublethink to consider oneself both repulsive and charismatic at the same time, or both an idiot savant and a polymath.

Even Slate admits, though, that they have no idea what level his computer skills are at or how good a fit he was for the job:>Yes, he could be a computing savant anywaymany well-known techies dropped out of schoolThey're basically bemoaning his lack of official credentials.

If Bob is a savant and he designs a brilliant hand-off algorithm in five minutes, should that not be patentable because he didn't have to work very hard, but an algorithm that isn't even as good should be because a much worse engineer spent a lot longer to design it?

Savant definitions


someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field

See also: initiate pundit