Saucer in a sentence as a noun

When one drinks one's tea from a cup and saucer, one extends one's little finger.

It mentioned repeated examples like "I just know" works for Ted but not flying saucers.

The upper-class testee, for whom tea was always served in a cup on a saucer, selects the saucer.

It just means that the flying saucer technology we have at the moment is more inefficient than the fixed wing technology.

It seems logical to attach the posting threshold -- a new cooling saucer dimension -- to that same calculation.

See how the flames are leaping and hissing low, I will bring you a saucer of milk like a Marguerite, So white and smooth, so spherical and sweet-- Stay with me, Cat.

"It would be straightforward to build a saucer or some other shape to get to the edge of space and then use conventional rockets to get to orbital speed.

One has conventional jet engines inside the saucer, but the other one has parts of the whole saucer spinning so the fuselage works like an engine.

The headline of the submission here might as well read, "Document in trove of released FBI files records interview of person claiming to have seen flying saucer.

"Just because flying saucers aren't used commercially doesn't necessarily imply that they are inefficient.

To play a slightly comical *****'s advocate, what if Neil Armstrong had intentionally angled the camera down to avoid photographing their flying saucer escort?

With apologies to scientists who automatically read "Extraterrestrial" and think "beyond earth"...Did anyone else see this title and expect to see a story about a flying saucer crash and little green men?

What about a small Klingon Bird of Prey or even a UFO-style flying saucer?So, no, we don't need to build the Enterprise, but we DO need to take this as a marketing lesson about why the public seems to yawn when they hear anything about space and Nasa these days.

Considering this is for a vehicle that never came close to working in its prototype form and was based on an ill-conceived fascination with a saucer design that required it to be nothing but an ensemble of jet engines with thrust redirection required in every direction it makes one wonder how anything ever gets released to the public.

Saucer definitions


something with a round shape resembling a flat circular plate; "the moon's disk hung in a cloudless sky"

See also: disk disc


a small shallow dish for holding a cup at the table


directional antenna consisting of a parabolic reflector for microwave or radio frequency radiation

See also: dish


a disk used in throwing competitions

See also: discus