Sanatorium in a sentence as a noun

Still useful if you can put people in a balcony for instance, old school sanatorium style.

They injected themselves with HIV to get into the sanatorium where it's a much better life.

I am reminded of the popularity of sanatoriums back when there was no treatment for TB.

Her son, Eduard stayed frequently in a sanatorium.

It was a much better environment inside the sanatorium - free good food, medicines, beds, so it isn't too bad of a choice to come forward - some people even injected themselves with HIV to get into the sanatorium.

As Brin recalls, the trip awakened his childhood fear of authority and he remembered that "his first impulse on confronting Soviet oppression had been to throw pebbles at a police car." Malseed adds, "On the second day of the trip, while the group toured a sanatorium in the countryside near Moscow, Brin took his father aside, looked him in the eye and said, 'Thank you for taking us all out of Russia.

HIV-infected people must provide the names of all sexual partners for the past sic months.> Compulsory quarantining was relaxed in 1994, but all those testing positive have to go to a sanatorium for 8 weeks of thorough education on the disease.

Sanatorium definitions


a hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases

See also: sanatarium sanitarium


pejorative terms for an insane asylum