Sallow in a sentence as a noun

I believe the aversion to warm colors stems from skin tone, as sallow predominates in that region of the world.

Sallow in a sentence as a verb

If that means I have to shop for my own groceries, rather than having them delivered, then that's what I'll do. This also has the benefit that I can pick my own produce, rather than relying on someone who works for Peapod or similar, who likely gets paid rather poor wages, and who, to pick one particularly memorable example, has no particular interest in seeing to it that I get fresh, firm, ripe bell peppers instead of sallow, sunken, half-gone-over ones.

Sallow in a sentence as an adjective

If you encouraged you son to do no opening preparation, aside from general principles, encouraged him to turn up at the board physically fit, full of energy, concentration and determination to win instead of tired a sallow from spending all his time studying, then he would be killing it even more.

Sallow definitions


any of several Old World shrubby broad-leaved willows having large catkins; some are important sources for tanbark and charcoal


cause to become sallow; "The illness has sallowed her face"


unhealthy looking

See also: sickly