Sagging in a sentence as an adjective

Once they start sagging it gives me terrible back troubles.

If done fast and at the right temp, you can manage up to 10mm flat bridges with very little sagging.

Far more superior in finish without the runs, fading and sagging.

Less worry about sagging without support structures, etc...

I mean, everyone made fun of groupon and zynga, and this a clever ploy to try and get some sagging stock up?

If your share price is sagging, you can always buy back your own shares with part of your cash hoard, like Microsoft did recently.

There's a dangerous sagging happening between these two columns?

Besides, people are more likely to notice the wrinkles around your eyes or your sagging boobs than they will an extra ten pounds.

I still like my Nexus One, but between the sagging power button and the lack of "real" multitouch, I'm not inclined to buy another HTC product next time.

It seems to me the "sphere packing" infill would be subject to the sagging-overhang issues that arise on additive-extrusion devices.

It began when I was an undergraduate: the sight of crowded bookshelves in a professor's office one actually sagging under its load flipped the crazy switch in my brain.

I swapped sofas because one was sagging and I was shopping for possibilities without something particular in mind and found several totally different sofas that would have been awesome.

I stopped reading at this point: > ...when Gandhi's wife lay dying of pneumonia and British doctors\n > insisted that a shot of penicillin would save her, Gandhi refused to\n > have this alien medicine injected in her body and simply let her die.\n\nTrue as far as it goes, but a near-slanderous distortion of what actually happened: To those who tried to bolster her sagging morale saying "You will get\n better soon," Kasturba would respond, "No, my time is up.

Sagging definitions


hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness)

See also: drooping droopy