Drooping in a sentence as an adjective

It had the male symbol but the arrow was drooping.

I was in a cellar once with some really old wine and the necks of the bottles were drooping down the way. Any idea why that might be?

It'll be most telling a year or two from now once it all settles down and they can fix some of the drooping problems.

If the hardened material could withstand the force one would be able to prevent the drooping witnessed in the video.

If you look at a bright light at night while drooping your eyelids, you will see vertical bands that match the shape/direction of your eyelashes.

This way, the wrists can rest on the flat upside section of the wood with the fingers then drooping over onto the angulated keyboard.

Regarding face drooping and arm drift, it could be that she just doesn't remember/didn't notice, again she says herself her memory was failing.

In fact, the most relaxed position had my hands drooping over the keyboard and trackball with virtually no tension on the upper tendons.

They are risking other peoples money so for example making 50% in an up market at the risk of drooping to 0% in a down one are easy with leverage.

Are you saying that dang doesn't have an alert that is triggered when a match of \bdang\b is found?I've seen more than once people "invoke" dang by simply drooping his name and then voila!

“A whisky, Monsieur Shipman?” His heavy drooping mustache was a part of his thin, kind face, and the bald top of his head glistened under the strands of hair that were slicked across it.

From the article:"The danger, Ritholtz said, is that the drooping stock price could tag the company itself with a "stink of failure" that could make advertisers less willing to use Facebook.

Low difficultly, bankrupt miners, mark flooded with cheap mining hardware and suddenly drooping energy prices are the perfect conditions for such an attack.

Hydrogen refinery would look same when on fire as when not. - except for the heat wave distortion, plumes of smoke from burning paint, drooping steel gangways, showers of electrical sparks from the shorting electrical system, and workers leaping from the upper levels.

As my gut and *** had literally grown to into the form / shape of these pants, drooping and expanding to perfectly fill these specific pants, no other pants I tried seemed even remotely comfortable.

Then you have a myriad of other issues: watchdog timers, drooping/unreliable power supplies, static discharge-induced reset, load dump in automotive, similar applications, or noisy signals, sensor and key-panel data, potential single bit **** situations in aerospace/radiation environments, thermal issues, etc.

Drooping definitions


weak from exhaustion

See also: flagging


hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness)

See also: droopy sagging


having branches or flower heads that bend downward; "nodding daffodils"; "the pendulous branches of a weeping willow"; "lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers"

See also: cernuous nodding pendulous weeping