Sagacious in a sentence as an adjective

Do as the sagacious Derek Sivers commands: whatever scares you or excites you, go do it [2].

I wonder who from HN is in Seth's tribe and keeps upvoting his wonderfully perceptive and sagacious posts.

Turning off parts of the language is just a cheap way to look sagacious while infantilizing developers.

And then next week we will get an article on how not to alienate your readers with pointless, highfalutin language like "sagacious" and "jubilant.

> but, he asked, why should they be treated as sagacious experts when they come from a completely different arenaBecause they have a history of getting impressive **** done.

It's true that all of those sorts of problems with exceptions can occur just using normal `return`, but the hidden control flow of exceptions aggravates the problem by making it much harder to identify places of concern.> Best of all, these very serious people, having written very sagacious emails banning random parts of C++ and intoning that horrible things happen if one allows non-local flow control, switch from their email clients to their editors and go on to write Python and Java!

Sagacious definitions


acutely insightful and wise; "much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument"; "observant and thoughtful, he was given to asking sagacious questions"; "a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators"

See also: perspicacious sapient


skillful in statecraft or management; "an astute and sagacious statesman"