Sacrilege in a sentence as a noun

Even if it sounds like sacrilege to some, I am putting it out there for comment.

This is absolute sacrilege in west coast foodie culture.

I know this is sacrilege to say on Hacker News, but for some people, getting a degree is a goal unto itself, and not just a means to a job.

This may come across as sacrilege to some, but I personally don't like keyboard-driven interfaces.

It may be sacrilege round here to disagree with pg but I dislike the appropriation of the word startup for this niche of companies.

Throwing away terms in an equation in order to arrive at correct physics laws, I don't know, I considered it sacrilege or something.

It's sacrilege around here, but I'm beginning to think that ecosystems which are not primarily based on open source have broader economic benefits.

Sacrilege definitions


blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character; "desecration of the Holy Sabbath"

See also: profanation desecration blasphemy