Desecration in a sentence as a noun

It can include hate speech and flag desecration.

Even the desecration of remains is an affront to the living, not the dead.

With NSF/NIH grants, it's at the desecration of researchers on whether they want to apply IP rights.

If there was ever was a reason to truly hate Google then this is it. What they've done is nothing other than an act of desecration.

Rival temples and structures would be repurposed frequently, but you do not see the type of desecration mentioned in the earlier comment.

Apparently because couple of thousand years ago women would make temple toilets messy and that was desecration of sacred grounds.

The source of desecration and profanity is religious, as we can see from the way that today’s believers violate the sanctity of each other’s temples.

But then again, it was not a desecration of a main cathedral either, it was just a cartoon on a wall in an airport prayer room...Maybe ***** Riot gives us a case to abolish hate speech laws altogether?

The Indians view our archeological expeditions as basically desecration of their history and religion.

I think that they accomplish a great "this is a useful service for a portion of the population that areinterested in whips and chains" without crossing into "oh wow, this is totally creepy".That said... I think that the author's overall point re: the desecration of meaningful things by turning them into cheap online experiences is totally valid.

Desecration definitions


blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character; "desecration of the Holy Sabbath"

See also: profanation blasphemy sacrilege