Rucksack in a sentence as a noun

I had the respect of the soldiers, who knew what it was like to hike with a 60 lb. rucksack.

That sandwich in the rucksack, left over the weekend.

"In walked my patent attorney wearing a cagoule and a rucksack.

Obviously it isn't quite as durable as a book, but a lot easier to fit in a rucksack and can contain a lot more content.

The isotope library is based on the masonry library, which will not work like rucksack to arrange items that have random width.

The post seemed to skip all the juicy actual security bits, but made sure to explain thoroughly how good the rucksack was, how everything fit into it nicely, and how it was waterproof.

Do you mean amongst the cables at the side of the desk or the thing that looks like a makerbot mounted on a turtle/robo-vacuum at the front to the left of the rucksack?I liked the avocado best.

After they see how useless and unnecessary all that **** is, and how it goes **** up from being dropped/smashed/heated, and how unnecessary it is to do the job they need to do, I'd love to see them pack up their rucksack for the next trip.

Rucksack definitions


a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder

See also: backpack knapsack packsack haversack