Knapsack in a sentence as a noun

All those questions are concealed behind the squishy term "knapsack algoritm".

Deciding which features to show, how to label them, and how to arrange the labels is a knapsack problem.

He would intermittently dump the tray into his knapsack whenever there were enough pennies.

What is the "knapsack algorithm" ?I understand how arranging images may be a "knapsack problem" but I can't pinpoint what the algorithm is supposed to be.

The knapsack problem is the canonical dynamic programming problem.

The usual recommendation for solving a large knapsack problem is via dynamic programming.

There is a way to turn knapsack algorithms into a good candidate qualifier --- if solving knapsack problems is related in some reasonably direct way to the role you're hiring for --- just create a work-sample test based on solving knapsack problems.

Knapsack definitions


a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder

See also: backpack packsack rucksack haversack