Roundworm in a sentence as a noun

Maybe it picked up a roundworm on the surface.

If a mouse = a human, does a roundworm = mouse = human?

" And a roundworm is composed of only 959 cells!

One roundworm may live three times as long as its virtual clone in the next dish.

The roundworm brain is about as simple as you can get: 302 neurons, 7,000 synapses.

The progression from the roundworm example is enlightening.

The roundworm C. elegans has one of the simplest nervous systems of any organism, with its ************* type having only 302 neurons.

In her laboratory at Princeton, she and her team study aging in the famous C. Elegans roundworm, with an eye to extending its lifespan as well as figuring out exactly what processes take place when we age.

>> From their work in the tiny roundworm, Caenorhabditis elegans, the scientists discovered a change in an evolutionarily conserved gene called PUF60, which made the worms long lived but at the same time dampened the immune response.

But guess what, we have the capacity to upload a roundworm now or a fly and have tried to, and we cannot.\nWy?\nit seems that there is something we are missing and most likely it's the science.\ntl;dr we need to understand brains better before we can upload a human or a fly, this kind of project will get us there.

The biologist Steven Austad commented on the roundworms' lifespans: "Astonishingly, the degree of variability they exhibit in longevity is not much less than that of a genetically mixed population of humans, who eat a variety of diets, attend to or abuse their health, and are subject to all the vagaries of circumstance -- car crashes, tainted beef, enraged postal workers -- of modern industrialized life.

Roundworm definitions


infections of the skin or nails caused by fungi and appearing as itching circular patches

See also: tinea ringworm


unsegmented worms with elongated rounded body pointed at both ends; mostly free-living but some are parasitic

See also: nematode