Ringworm in a sentence as a noun

We have known the full anatomy of the C. Elegans ringworm since 1984 -- it's 1mm long and has 300 neurons.

Regarding your claim that the ringworm cured your psoriasis.

One said excema, the next said psoriosis and the final said ringworm.

Fergus Fungal Budge was a wizarding product that was used to treat the ringworm disease on the foot.

I currently have a ringworm infection on my leg, which hasn't responded to 3 different topical antifungals.

My dog was clean and when I visited a dermatologist he told me that because I have psoriasis the ringworm fungus basically struck it lucky and got through the skin.

Ringworm definitions


infections of the skin or nails caused by fungi and appearing as itching circular patches

See also: tinea roundworm