Rotisserie in a sentence as a noun

Yea and all Ford has to do is put rotisserie grills on their F150s and they could beat McDonalds.

It's like Ron Popeil says about his rotisserie: You set it and forget it!

$9, full rotisserie chicken, whole foods, union square manhattan.

Unlike the Ron Popiel rotisserie oven, politics isn’t “set and forget”.

They basically eat white bread, tinned spaghetti, corned beef, instant noodles, and rotisserie chickens.

I can't imagine how anyone can justify a more expensive super market rotisserie chicken than that.

"This reminded me of Maker's Schedule vs Manager's Schedule and how this is largely a result of packing our calendars into hour to hour increments Monday - Friday stuck in this rotisserie motion.

If the rotisserie's business model depends on selling stale poultry at a higher price than what the market would bear, it is clearly unsustainable and deserves to have its revenue reduced.

Sony is definitely eating it on the sale of each console --For a fun personal example -- rotisserie chickens are always sold at a loss, but it's normally the center piece of a dinner, meaning you also sell mashed potatoes, cole slaw, bread, etc at a high margin.

Rotisserie definitions


an oven or broiler equipped with a rotating spit on which meat cooks as it turns


a restaurant that specializes in roasted and barbecued meats