Room in a sentence as a noun

A spare room, an office in the garden.

But those were very small rooms, sometimes even 10'x10'x10' tents setup in a one level less capable room.

This time, she was around people who noticed something was wrong, and she was immediately rushed to the emergency room.

When you're in the room with clients?If you freeze up in interviews, then it doesn't seem like the problem is with interviews -- the problem is with you freezing up, isn't it?

And while it sounds unlike Google to have left room to do significantly better, the way they treat the innocent implies their technology may be insufficient.

Room in a sentence as a verb

It was also common practice to certify a room at one level, and operate it like it was the next higher level with minimal cost and maximal benefit.

I think this should be obvious to anybody that thinks about economics at all, and I think this is the absolutely massive achilles' heel for supply-side economics, the elephant in the room that people don't want to talk about.

Offenders of contaminating the rooms some brought in unapproved or contaminated materials, like non-cleanroom notepads or gaseous/non-cleanroom markers/pens, cardboard.

The locker-room atmosphere that stuff like this creates is a huge barrier to entry for a lot of people, women especially, who infer that on top of all the technically difficult stuff that everyone has to learn to be CS types, they'll also have to deal with a constant barrage of "you're not our kind" flung at them by the in-group.

We become intimately familiar with his three-year-old daughter's escapades with Cheerios and love of Phineas & Ferb.- Judging from the number of sirens, Jake apparently lives in a bad part of town or is watching Blues Brothers in the background.- Lucy has apparently joined while sitting in a conference room, attending another meeting simultaneously.- Robert joins 15 minutes late and would like everything he missed to be recapped.- Mark absolutely will not let the meeting progress unless someone is recording.

Room definitions


an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; "the rooms were very small but they had a nice view"


space for movement; "room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around"


opportunity for; "room for improvement"


the people who are present in a room; "the whole room was cheering"


live and take one's meals at or in; "she rooms in an old boarding house"

See also: board