Rinse in a sentence as a noun

Lather, rinse, repeat...I was becoming more distant with my wife.

We're trying all three, but it's a lather-rinse-repeat kind of situation.

Better to announce it early and scare off some of the bad guys, rather than rinse, repeat the exercise every time.

Rinse in a sentence as a verb

Every program I've played seems to have the same pattern: play like a master for ten moves, then make an insultingly obvious blunder to let me catch up. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Obviously I'm not in the subset of HN that finds "pull a number out of your ***, rinse, repeat" to be worth submitting and upvoting.

Over at Tencent they very often do whatever it takes to be first to market, and if needed to be, refactor everything 6 months down the road, and rinse wash repeat.

Rinse definitions


a liquid preparation used on wet hair to give it a tint


the removal of soap with clean water in the final stage of washing

See also: rinsing


the act of giving a light tint to the hair


washing lightly without soap


wash off soap or remaining dirt


clean with some chemical process

See also: wash


rinse one's mouth and throat with mouthwash; "gargle with this liquid"

See also: gargle