Rigorous in a sentence as an adjective

The vast majority of people were a form of slave and trapped in basically a completely rigorous caste system.

And yeah, things are pretty rigorous...but what I found was that the people who were, by and large, responsible for all those amazing things didn't care.

These people were investigated and even brought to testify before Congress, and no actions were found that met the rigorous requirements to be called a crime.

What transgressions met the standard of our justice system, namely the rigorous demonstration of concrete, individual crimes, were treated.

All other engineering professions require a rigorous licensing process, whereas software engineering is one of the cushiest jobs on the planet.

They aren't standardized and they aren't rigorous so you can't compare candidates on any apples-apples basis and you can't correlate them to job performance to make them more predictive.

While the article correctly highlights the lack of rigorous scientific studies on 10x engineers, it also generalizes a bit too much from anecdote to make the argument that they are mythical creatures.

For other mission critical systems, like what goes into spacecrafts, or hospitals, or gets developed in the military there are rigorous processes in use to prevent stupid mistakes, so it's somewhat disappointing that the major infrastructure pieces don't receive this kind of treatment.

Rigorous definitions


rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard; "rigorous application of the law"; "a strict vegetarian"

See also: strict


demanding strict attention to rules and procedures; "rigorous discipline"; "tight security"; "stringent safety measures"

See also: stringent tight