Rictus in a sentence as a noun

The "grin" is actually some sort of rictus spasm.

Hey, you have no right to complain about my rictus grin.

A rictus of cruel malignity lit up greyly their old bony faces.

My favorite line: Describing the cover model's smile as a "rictus of high-octane enthusiasm".

Money is a tool, and it makes sense to have the tool be bendable to public needs, not dogmatically hard-coded into economic rictus.

Literally everybody knows this so anything even the slightest bit off glares at you like a giant grinning rictus on a 40 foot movie screen.

""My only regret is that I couldn’t see the Asian woman’s face at the moment the schoolgirl’s head jerked back and her insolent grin turned into a rictus.

One might make that it was a moment of refreshing dark humor in a world where most companies put a giant fake smile rictus and saccharine optimism on everything

Everytime I see a US citizen in a posed picture, I understand that they are supposed to be smiling, because it's a portrait etc, but what I perceive is an aggressive and half-mad rictus.

> What part of facial recognition relies on the lack of a smile?If current facial recognition software can't handle smiles, then you just have to remember to plaster on a creepy politician-rictus-smile while walking through airports.

Rictus definitions


a gaping grimace