Revitalize in a sentence as a verb

They're trying to revitalize and reinvent a once great city.

Hopefully he can bounce back and revitalize his career.

Mid-market has been a blight for decades and plans to revitalize the area have never panned out.

At this rate, there will be startups in Vallejo to revitalize that city's economy.

If only... A space race might revitalize the economy, and is thus political.

This has the potential ro revitalize the bitcoin debate amongst naysayers.

I believe this will revitalize the semicolon industry.

Speedrunners revitalize games old and new by practicing and playing them to almost complete technical perfection.

Personally i believed from the start that Greece should have exited the euro in order to revitalize its dormant economy.

Perhaps a major tech company revitalize Google's efforts by entering the browser market.

It doesn't seem to me like that's what Meetup is intended for"Meetup's mission is to revitalize local community and help people around the world self-organize.

It makes it possible to shut down entrepenuers, the store owners and wealth creators on the internet, before they even have a chance to get started helping to revitalize the American economy.

It allows you to fund initiatives that revitalize entire communities: building homes, providing medicine, contributing to science, technology, arts and culture.

I, for a concrete example, am only on this comment thread because "oh, I remember Knol... I am surprised they are trying to reboot/revitalize that project", and would have read a ton of these comments under that vague premise had it not been for this top one making it clear "no, this is not Knol".

Yes, it was only a very small sample size of United's service staff, but the fact that this situation happened does not bode well for the quality of their service and will hopefully spark something in the administration and leadership to revitalize the culture that currently tolerates such treatment.

Revitalize definitions


restore strength; "This food revitalized the patient"

See also: regenerate


give new life or vigor to

See also: revitalise