Anodyne in a sentence as a noun

So instead of the utterly boring and anodyne title Gruqq gave his post...

> socialize us in a way to say things that are relatively anodyne,I freaking wish.

It was renamed back to the anodyne "What clients are proven to be vulnerable to Heartbleed?

It's likely that if it is patented, it's filed under an anodyne name like "A system and method for indexing data".

If you're going to call those "propaganda", could you please suggest another term we can use so people know we're talking about things like Triumph of the Will and not anodyne bumper stickers?

Anodyne in a sentence as an adjective

I love that you say some anodyne things and then, with no actual facts or reasoning, conclude that the "true issue" is something that fixes blame and dodges the issues raised in the article.

50/50 odds on an anodyne global economic revolution?

Also, forcing ivory tower types to write working code is the best anodyne I know against unimplementable and overly complex standards.

It still makes me kind of wistful considering how their headlines today are usually completely anodyne to the point of euphemism, which it sound like the author was in some Valium-induced fugue state.

Would not be surprising if message boards like this and some mailing lists socialize us in a way to say things that are relatively anodyne, given the strong bias against trolling and off-topic, ill-considered remarks.

Anodyne definitions


a medicine used to relieve pain

See also: analgesic painkiller


capable of relieving pain; "the anodyne properties of certain drugs"; "an analgesic effect"

See also: analgesic analgetic