Revers in a sentence as a noun

Repeated cases where rent control did not revers growth.

What I really like about Play is the reverse routing feature.

Neither double spend nor reversing is possible with 51%.

It's inevitable people will reverse engineer the client, as was done with MSN, Y!

"The only way to reverse a community’s greed is through generosity.

Literally all validators could not trick your own node into accepting a Tx that isn't valid or to revers anything.

The name of the paper if you want to look for it isA long-term rise and recent decline in intelligence test performance: The Flynn Effect in revers

It's an "arbitrary" number in the sense that it is the revers of the previous industry standard in the mobile space which was 70/30 in favor of the Carrier.

"Proprietary" has a very specific meaning in the multimedia format world; it revers to formats like Real Video, VP6, and so forth which are completely closed.

In other words, there is no public specification, nobody can implement an encoder or decoder without reverse-engineering it.

Revers definitions


a lapel on a woman's garment; turned back to show the reverse side

See also: revere