Retrovirus in a sentence as a noun

I was going to shoot off "with a retrovirus", but then I thought I'd wikipedia it. Glad I did.

HIV, being a retrovirus, acts by inserting its genome into the infected cell's nuclear DNA.

A big problem with HIV is that, being a retrovirus, it initially copies itself in the reverse of the usual direction.

We lug around 100,000 retrovirus sequences inside us; all told, genetic parasites related to viruses account for more than 40 percent of all human DNA.

"...\n"In the past few years, geneticists have pieced together an account of how Perron’s retrovirus entered our DNA. Sixty million years ago, a lemur like animal—an early ancestor of humans and monkeys—contracted an infection.

I think its unwise to underestimate nature; what if a retrovirus went undetected at it moved through a large portion of our population, then suddenly turned lethal?

Additionally-- from where would HIV aerosolize?The only airborne retrovirus that I came across is Jaagsiekte, and it's benefited by that because it specifically targets the lungs.

When the lemur reproduced, that retrovirus rode into the next generation aboard the lucky sperm and then moved on from generation to generation, nestled in the DNA. “It’s a rare, random event,” says Robert Belshaw, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Oxford in England.

Retrovirus definitions


any of a group of viruses that contain two single-strand linear RNA molecules per virion and reverse transcriptase (RNA to DNA); the virus transcribes its RNA into a cDNA provirus that is then incorporated into the host cell