Restate in a sentence as a verb

I respect that you managed to restate a point I spent ~500 words making in just 70 words.

"Restating the premise" means to restate the base of your argument.

Let me restate that: do not just take this patch and put it into production without careful review.

He's not responsible for what journalists say, and we can't expect them to clearly restate it all the time, but what we do know about the extent of surveillance is disturbing.

I find that if I restate someone's argument absurdly and preface my statement with "I agree", people are less likely to see me as an antagonist and more likely laugh at themselves.

I don't mean to restate the obvious, or pander to the crowd on HN, but every time we read one of these articles it needs to be stated that the current system is broken even when it is paid for.

Every day, long diatribes about the horrors of sexism that restate the same old ******** and gets everyone worked up with no further understanding or patience derived from them.

In cases like that, it can be useful to add a few comment lines which briefly restate what the code implements, as both an aide-memoire for the original developer, and a minimal but immediately accessible answer to the question of "what the **** is this doing?

Let me restate that: do not just take this \n patch and put it into production without careful review.\n\nSo to answer your question: this version was never running in production.. and it the initial patch didn't call mprotect because they stripped it out from their version when creating the POC.

Let me restate:Just so you know ahead of time: no company you do business with that has actual counsel is going to accept an arbitration clause affirming an agreement to use any specific arbitrator you've chosen; in all likelihood, most real companies will flatly refuse mandatory binding arbitration.

Restate definitions


to say, state, or perform again; "She kept reiterating her request"

See also: repeat reiterate ingeminate iterate retell