Restart in a sentence as a verb

Tech: "Could you please unplug your computer for 20 seconds and restart it?

Each service is started through a shell script that supports the start/stop/restart argument.

I ssh'ed in from the iPad, reverted my last commit, and restarted the queue workers.

You can tell the system which bits of code, called restarts, are able to handle a given error condition in your code.

Once it restarts, your mouse should now work inside the virtual machine, hooray!- It will ask you again to activate.

" I'll just restart apache every 10 requests.> I was really, really bad at writing parsers.

The other major approach, which is what I believe most Intel processors use, is called instruction restart.

Polling also makes leaves a small time gap during which the service is temporarily dead but hasn't been restarted yet.

Conditions and restarts: As far as error handling in programs go this is the most rock-solid system I've encountered.

He has definitely earned enough "cred" to restart this business outside the US and be very successful.

For example if a daemon crashes, with most init systems you have to restart it manually or hook it to some external monitoring system.

During the process, you'll need to Alt+Tab to the new prompt window to hit enter every time you need to confirm something.- Once guest additions is installed, use the start menu to restart the virtual machine.

The nice thing about that is you can choose the appropriate restart based on what you know at a higher-level in the program and continue that computation without losing state and restarting from the beginning.

When a bus error was generated by an invalid memory access, the exception stack frame that contained information about the error did not contain enough information to restart or resume the failed instruction.

This means that even if certain ***** are effective, there will be a small population of cancer cells who may have mutated in such a way that they are resistant, so even if a treatment gets 99% of the cells, that final 1% can restart and the same bet-hedging strategy is re-employed to create another, diverse set of cells.

I can just choose one... or I can zoom through the backtrace, inspect objects, change values in instance slots, recompile code to fix the bug, and choose the "continue" restart... voila the computation continues, my system never stopped doing all of the other tasks it was in the middle of doing, and my original error was fixed and I didn't lose anything.

Again, this has major impacts on how the system is structured, in particular because it is meaningful to talk about how to restart a "process" in a way that it is not meaningful to talk about how to restart a "channel".Go advocates desperately, desperately need to avoid the temptation to explain to themselves why Erlang isn't as good, because then they'll fail to learn the lessons that Erlang learned the easy way.

Restart definitions


start an engine again, for example

See also: re-start


take up or begin anew; "We resumed the negotiations"

See also: resume re-start