Respiration in a sentence as a noun

If you do nothing else, learn CPR, artificial respiration and how to use an AED.

Not taking the helmet of may have the injured die of blood or puke inhaled or just his tongue blocking respiration.

Plants suck in CO2 when they are storing energy, but when they spend their energy they make CO2 just like us. Plants have a respiration process just like animals.

Towards the end, it starts talking about positive pressure respiration at high altitude.

I'm an AP Biology student who just started studying cellular respiration.

Increasing VO2 max increases how much power you can develop while remaining in aerobic respiration.

Measuring pulse, blood pressure, and respiration rate all seem pretty easily achievable.

By the nature of aerobic respiration, you're slowly transforming all the oxygen into carbon dioxide.

From a related article:\n"But the eco-system also uses cellular respiration to break down decaying material shed by the plant.

Oxygen is probably a write-off, since there's far more oxygen atoms in the oceans than in the atmosphere, and since O_2 to H_2O is part of animal respiration.

Because a complete lie detector session involves respiration.

I read somewhere ages ago about researchers measuring pulse and respiration of a mobile phone user from the data available to a cellular base station.

Whereas I think it is dramatically underused -- it's a great battlefield or improvised conditions anaesthetic, since it doesn't depress respiration very much.

There's a difference between merely experiencing an odor and ingesting unhealthy chemicals through respiration, though often people seem to not realize that the former often means the latter.

Soy and canola oil accumulate in tissues and slow the metabolic rate, interfering with mitochondrial respiration.

So, if it's a sureptitious data collection program, you start with the question: how do we convince people to adorn themselves with cumbersome blood pressure cuff, EKG, electrodermal and respiration sensors that we usually wrap around their chest?

In six months, be ready to show me something that will convince people to willingly share respiration, heart rate, and skin conductivity via the web. Then we'll restrospectivly analyze the raw data set, blindly without context, and try to pick out the liars, and develop a common statistical model of deceptive behavior, ironically collected using deceptive tactics.

…and general changes in water-availability: sweating, accelerated respiration-evaporation.

Respiration definitions


the metabolic processes whereby certain organisms obtain energy from organic molecules; processes that take place in the cells and tissues during which energy is released and carbon dioxide is produced and absorbed by the blood to be transported to the lungs


a single complete act of breathing in and out; "thirty respirations per minute"


the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation

See also: breathing ventilation