Breathing in a sentence as a noun

The other replied "You know what would be bad ***, just a big fire breathing dragon on my inbox.

Don't get them wrong: these people are not fanatic, they are just living and breathing a cause they started for a good reason.

He was still alive, though, because Bettas have a special organ for breathing actual air!Crazy, eh?

Close your eyes and focus on breathing from your belly--deep breaths from the belly rather than shallow breaths from the chest.

But without all the money they took from those investors who are breathing down their necks now, Twitter would never have been able to scale up to where it is today at all.

Somebody found a fire breathing dragon straight out of Ultima and a release was whipped-up that would display this dragon on these girls Formspring Inbox.

Breathing in a sentence as an adjective

Thankfully reason stepped in and I managed to compute that if my pulse or breathing had ceased, I'd be in a heap on the floor rather than obsessing in front of a mirror.

They have spent multiple decades breathing in the Unix environment, and are quite good at guessing how the other guy probably designed his system.

There's a lot of people who could really do with putting every electronic device in a box for 6 months and just breathing fresh air, thinking new thoughts, and doing things in the "real" world for a while.

From what I have read, the NSA is a top tear team winning championships across the globe, with billions in research and development, and thousands of highly trained athletes, living and breathing this day in and day out.

The remaining 10 percent is split between municipalities and actual living breathing individual humans.

Breathing definitions


the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation

See also: respiration ventilation


passing or able to pass air in and out of the lungs normally; sometimes used in combination; "the boy was disappointed to find only skeletons instead of living breathing dinosaurs"; "the heavy-breathing person on the telephone"

See also: eupneic eupnoeic