Reproduction in a sentence as a noun

I would disagree with the initial premise that it's about the pursuit of "perfect sound reproduction".

A couple of all nighters later we had a working reproduction of the code in 'C' and that was used for the customer demonstrations.

Cramming a modern PC into a vintage C64 reproduction really is a terrible idea.

You don't listen to vinyl for the "audio quality" in the sense of getting the most precise reproduction of a recording.

Yet these paintings don't appear to suffer from such distortion, the shape and color reproduction is as exact as a tracing or photograph.

Give people contraception and reasonable financial security and the reproduction rate drops like a rock.

As a photographer, what I really want to know is what characteristics the light field imager has in terms of things like dynamic range, noise, color reproduction, and so on.

According to the World State, sex is a social activity, rather than a means of reproduction and, as part of the conditioning process, is encouraged from early childhood.

So, you post a comment in a private Skype "please don't visit this link, it's copyright and reproduction of a single copy requires a license at a cost of $10 million USD due to the sensitive nature of the content".

Sure the technology is getting better; we've got better reproduction and the distribution system is no longer random mafioso magazine distribution.

I'd argue that sexual reproduction is a mechanism that directly represents the biological success of greater genetic diversity and sharing of genes between organisms.

To clarify the headline: the article doesn't suggest that this is a direct consequence of the GM crops themselves, but rather than the adoption of herbicide-resistant GM crops has led to much higher use of herbicides, killing non-GM plants such as milkweed that would previously have also lived in the fields and which are important to the Monarch's reproduction.

But evolution will still apply to our own gene engineered creations, just possibly with a very different set of constraints, such as potentially severing the billion-year-old connection between fitness and direct biological reproduction... as I've said on HN before, you don't have to be a full-on "Rapture of the Nerds"-style Singulatarian to see that the future may get very weird....

Reproduction definitions


the process of generating offspring


recall that is hypothesized to work by storing the original stimulus input and reproducing it during recall


copy that is not the original; something that has been copied

See also: replica replication


the act of making copies; "Gutenberg's reproduction of holy texts was far more efficient"

See also: replication


the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring

See also: procreation breeding