Rectifiable in a sentence as an adjective

Sure, they matter, but they are at least rectifiable at a minimal loss.

At least those are not the signs of a healthy operation that just made a rectifiable mistake.

There must be some other reason they are shutting down as this appears to be a rectifiable problem.

How many of them do you think may have other rectifiable issues that are leading to their disposition?

I was using melatonin to compensate for otherwise easily rectifiable poor habits in the same way that many people stay up everynight and wake up with 5 cups of coffee.

While ignoring a smaller section of their audience is fine when the "fix" is hundreds of man-hours away and many dollars burned, this situation is completely rectifiable within short time-periods in most cases and little money spent.

Rectifiable definitions


capable of being repaired or rectified; "reparable damage to the car"; "rectifiable wrongs"

See also: reparable