Renascence in a sentence as a noun

> Perhaps it is just a weird "renascence of Operating Systems"?

We were headed to a nuclear power renascence until that accident happened and took the wind out of the sails.

OKC has been undergoing a renascence of sorts over the last decade and barely resembles the rest of the state.

Also, a lot of scientific works were written in Latin during the renascence, and they are still available to us. Sadly, what is written in English will hardly last for more than a few hundred years.

I've never seen renaissance written as "renascence" in the midwest, northeast, or California.

Adobe made a rational business decision at a time when nobody could have predicted the Apple renascence.

Renascence definitions


the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world; a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries

See also: Renaissance Renascence


a second or new birth

See also: reincarnation rebirth


the revival of learning and culture

See also: rebirth Renaissance Renascence