Remedial in a sentence as an adjective

" And how bad he would have felt about himself if he were forced into "remedial" math classes.

Self-ghettoisation is, at best, a remedial plaster on a wound, at worst it makes things worse.

This is not remedial algebra so lots of people are not going to be able to learn the material and that's fine.

Not that I don't think President Obama needs to head back to a remedial course on the Constitution...

I have to believe the Streisand effects will far and away outpace any remedial action they might try to achieve here.

Hence this interest vs ability mismatch, and a need for remedial math courses at Stanford.

And this isn't just "remedial eating", it's discovering that our current ways of eating are killing us but that diet can likewise help heal us.

" Is that "alternative" as in "another" or "alternative school" as in "remedial school geared toward at-risk youth"?

He said even Stanford has to offer "remedial courses in math" for CS undergrads, because there is an "interest vs ability" mismatch.

I did finally get the school to offer remedial math and reading lessons, but they were not prerequisites and they did no kind of testing to determine need.

Of course the school district is more expensive, they have to maintain their buildings, transportation, and have to offer up remedial services by law. Most of all, they have to pay the teachers' wages, and the opportunity cost for the parent not taking work outside the home isn't counted.

"I was initially shut out of all the non-remedial math classes after that, and over the next couple of years I fought to get into the regular or accelerated classes.

I was recently in charge of a team that developed a website to teach remedial algebra to children, which is now used extensively in Florida middle and high schools.

I got the idea from a knitting magazine where someone described a blanket with a chart of prime numbers that fascinated a student who walked by who was in a remedial math class.

However, given the nature of such attacks, we cannot assure that our remedial actions will be sufficient to thwart future attacks or prevent the future loss of information.

We're seeing remedial students using Khan Academy software leap frogging non-remedial students.

That said, I do appreciate the reaction of the developer, taking responsibility for his mistake, starting remedial actions right away and discussing preventive measures for the future.

The Companys information security group was aware of the attacks shortly after the time of their occurrence and the group implemented remedial measures designed to mitigate the attacks and to detect and thwart similar additional attacks.

Remedial definitions


tending or intended to rectify or improve; "a remedial reading course"; "remedial education"


tending to cure or restore to health; "curative powers of herbal remedies"; "her gentle healing hand"; "remedial surgery"; "a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air"; "a therapeutic agent"; "therapeutic diets"

See also: curative alterative sanative therapeutic