Curative in a sentence as a noun

Small but important note, it's $1000 / pill and $80,000 for the curative course of treatment.

23andMe doesn't make any curative claims whatsoever, as much as to announce that "hey, there might be snakes.

Does anybody with $1k to buy needles get to make a sign and advertise curative injections?

People would love to find scientific evidence of its curative powers, as if having evidence mattered.

So it must be possible to manufacture or extract new curative compounds through from household earthworms

Anyway, am not convinced refusing is in any sense productive/curative of the disease.

Everyday i'm searching google if any curative treatments/clinical trials started in the last 24h. We think she has exposed to aspestos from paintings of the house wall in her village, as it was spread to use "white lime" for that purpose.

Some may start viewing people as "consumers" rather than "patients".Compassion is curative, and by that I don't mean a bunch of hand-waving mumbo-jumbo.

Curative in a sentence as an adjective

Even if you tell a patient that radiation is palliative and is not meant to cure a significant fraction of them will believe it is curative.

And some advanced iteration of this technology will be curative - entirely.

Suppose the money was spent on better nutrition, exercise, good heating/insulation for seniors, instead of on curative medical care after something goes wrong?

The surgery was curative, as the patient's complaints and disabilities all went away after it was over, but the lung infection was never definitively diagnosed.

And as clever science-minded individuals, it's important that we DO learn from it before praising the all-powerful curative nature of wealth redistribution just because it feels good.

Absolute cost is total health expenditure, which covers preventive and curative health services, family planning, nutrition activities and emergency aid.

We typically fund treatments that are likely to be curative, so we haven't dealt with this yet. But in the event that a patient's condition isn't fully resolved through treatment, we'd let the donors know, and if the Medical Partner felt it was appropriate to re-submit the patient to Watsi for funding of follow-up care, we certainly wouldn't be against it.

If the false positive rate of your diagnostic heuristics is too high, then the overall damage to society can easily outweigh the effectiveness of the treatment, no matter how technologically advanced or curative it is.

Curative definitions


a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain

See also: remedy cure therapeutic


tending to cure or restore to health; "curative powers of herbal remedies"; "her gentle healing hand"; "remedial surgery"; "a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air"; "a therapeutic agent"; "therapeutic diets"

See also: alterative remedial sanative therapeutic