Religiosity in a sentence as a noun

...except for the fact that non-religiosity is spreading quite a lot faster than people can breed.

If you have "showdead" set to "on" you can read his comments and they show some of the same racism and religiosity.

"And Bob is guilty of that religiosity himself.

This graph might tempt you to believe lower IQ implies higher religiosity.

That is, these behaviors enhance the fitness of the genes which make one predisposed to religiosity.

"I think religiosity and cults rise when secular society fails at something.

Pockets of extreme religiosity can be annoying but are easy to avoid.

"these behaviors enhance the fitness of the genes which make one predisposed to religiosity.

This kind of religiosity permeates our entire civic culture.

"Over the years many people have complained about the so-called "religiosity" of some of the proponents of Test Driven Development.

A person's values and opinions are not inextricably tied to their religiosity.

There is also, as the author mentions, a correlation between religiosity and happiness.

In reality it's much more likely that poverty leads to both lower IQ [1] and higher religiosity [2].Correlation does not imply causation.

The essay used a writing style that intentionally aped Nietzche's "Twilight of the Idols" to eviscerate the idea of religiosity.

Atheistic religiosity is still religiosity, and it's a problem whether or not magical woo is involved.

There seem to be some aggregate differences mostly because of the different distributions of religiosity: a lot of homeschooled kids are homeschooled for religious reasons.

Similarly, Peter Watts seems to be arguing that although religiosity causes life expectancy and a whole slew of other important metrics to plummet, it strengthens the collective whole by building group cohesiveness.

Religiosity definitions


exaggerated or affected piety and religious zeal

See also: religionism religiousism pietism