Relief in a sentence as a noun

One can argue that it is bad policy to afford such relief.

It's an entire body ache, down to your very bones; it's your mind crying out for relief.

In fact, the partisanship of the Congressman spells it out in clear relief.

I'm sure we all breathed a sigh of regulatory relief seeing that "c" there.

Imagine that all these feelings just go on and on and on and on and on and on, for hours, days, weeks, months, with no relief.

I recently spent a year with an OSX laptop, and it was a merciful relief when I was finally able to get the **** out of iLand.

I breathed a sigh of relief when there wasn't some tie-in to startup culture or programming or social media at the end of the article.

Such protections will continue to exist for offerings made by these small issuers who will get some interim relief from SOX requirements.

Because people don't get disappeared off the street?You remember that feeling of incredible relief when we saw Bush finally being flown away in the helicopter on his last day?

Since I had grown up hacking on my Apple ][+ and kinda idolizing him, it was both a pleasure and a relief to learn that he was just as swell to everybody as you'd expect him to be.

Imagine that you can't think of anything else at all no matter how hard you try, and these obsessive thoughts just spin in your head over and over and over and over and over and over again with no relief.

It's the yanking on the cable that is causing the problem in the image, you can tell because the wire sleeve is pulled back from the connecter rather than split horizontally, which is what would happen if it was a strain relief issue.

One competitor can indeed sue another competitor for private damages and other relief if the other competitor is gaining an unfair competitive advantage by falsely advertising that its products or services do something that is material to the customer's decision to use that product or service.

Remember the $1 million-plus raised for hurricane relief raised after Katrina that PayPal threw down the drain by declaring that they wouldn't release it until long after it mattered?If PayPal has good reasons not to accept donations and crowdfunding, they shouldn't ******* accept donations or crowdfunding, instead of letting users get in deep enough to get screwed before dropping the hammer.

On the really bad days, remember that tomorrow will be betterits hard to see it being much worse!Since I see people asking how to find cofounders so often, here I'd like to add: you know you have good cofounders when things are going wrong for you, the world seems like it's falling apart, and you suddenly realize with great relief that there are more people who will have to melt down before anything bad happens in the company.

Relief definitions


the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced; "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief"

See also: alleviation assuagement


the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress); "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility"; "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease"

See also: ease


(law) redress awarded by a court; "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?"


someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult); "the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes"; "we need extra employees for summer fill-ins"

See also: stand-in substitute reliever backup fill-in


assistance in time of difficulty; "the contributions provided some relief for the victims"

See also: succor succour ministration


a pause for relaxation; "people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests"

See also: respite rest


a change for the better

See also: easing moderation


aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped; "he has been on relief for many years"


the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance); "he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain"

See also: easing easement alleviation


sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background

See also: relievo rilievo embossment


the act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged; "he asked for troops for the relief of Atlanta"