Easing in a sentence as a noun

More money needs to be focused on easing poverty.

Clever is free for schools, and instead sells to developers, easing their pain and in turn making it easier for them to sell and get setup with schools.

Now you've implemented a giant janky scrollbar with easing equations calibrated for "instant turn off".

" Emotional easing is much like quantitative easing: it shifts unpleasantness out of the current context.

The hardest part is that most game engines are not designed to be networked in this way. Find an open source physics engine that natively supports teleportation, easing and prediction, they're not there.

That's appropriate in some social contexts, but not all, not by a long shot, just like quantitative easing is only appropriate in certain contexts.

It got downvoted, with snarky comments and answers but I dont care + it was very helpful for me mainly because in one of the comments someone mentioned the word "easing".

Over 15,000 live beyond the cislunar system, in settlements which are increasingly driven by internal economic activity rather than trade with Earth.

"He signed up, however, and started easing the computer engineers into the long hours culture with innovations including free beer and fortnightly "big ***" barbecues, and breakfast specials.

Throughout this time, suborbital tourism becomes increasingly commonplace.

You could plan the rough change in value over time, and build it into the algorithm, perhaps making gains unlimited at first, then making it very deflationary for several years, and gradually easing gains to something like 0-2% deflation per year.

Easing definitions


a change for the better

See also: moderation relief


the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance); "he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain"

See also: easement alleviation relief