Reinforcer in a sentence as a noun

It makes sense, if you think about it. If you haven’t gotten a reinforcer for a while, well, it could just be that you are at a particularly “bad” ratio or interval!

As one decreases the delay to reinforcement, the strength of behavior maintained by that reinforcer increases.

This assumes that reinforcement would be pleasurable, but pleasure is the main reinforcer at a cognitive level.

I think a good save-for-later app works as a memory reinforcer; something that augments your ability to build and recall knowledge.

You find reinforcement of gendered behaviour problematic but forget the most powerful reinforcer.

Money is a powerful reinforcer of behavior, and when it is given freely and is not attached to desired behaviors, it can reinforce a lack of initiative or drive.

I wonder how you go about proving that it isn't a sufficiently good Alpha-Theta reinforcer?I think I'll get one of the junior chaps to look into that once they've bought the tartan paint that I asked for.

Paradoxically, in animal models, nicotine appears to be a weak reinforcer.”> That same study, like many others, found that other ingredients in tobacco smoke are necessary to amp up nicotine’s addictiveness.

The effects we observe are smaller in magnitude than those produced by drug of abuse such as ******* or morphine; however, the fact that these behaviors and neurochemical changes can be elicited with a natural reinforcer is interesting.

Reinforcer definitions


(psychology) a stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it

See also: reinforcement