Reinforcement in a sentence as a noun

To her, it was reinforcement that our family had "made it".

Repeated bending of the weak connection point is the reason, and there's no reinforcement there to protect it.

My bots would provide positive reinforcement to the authors and sharers of those articles.

You risk creating a kind of insular belief system where any threat can be transformed into reinforcement.

"Exactly two things have made airline travel safer since 9/11: reinforcement of cockpit doors, and passengers who now know that they may have to fight back.

When certain racist remarks or bits of misinformation are shared it responds with positive reinforcement.

This tool lowers the barrier to positive reinforcement, which is key in continuing any activity.

Trying to swallow a bitter pill whole is difficult and can be counterproductive to positive reinforcement that will get you to go again.

My favorite part about the coworking movement in Japan -- and I don't get much exposure to it since it hasn't arrived in force in Ogaki yet -- is that it provides a community and social reinforcement which says "Just because you're not a salaryman doesn't mean you're a homeless vagabond!

This is another point of reinforcement for my view that this effort is going to look much like a mix of the Ellison Medical Foundation plus Sirtris: vastly expensive and with little other than knowledge to show for it once investors give up, because the researchers are from the outset trying to do something that is very hard, and which even if achieved will produce only small benefits.

Reinforcement definitions


a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission; "they called for artillery support"

See also: support reenforcement


information that makes more forcible or convincing; "his gestures provided eloquent reinforcement for his complaints"

See also: reenforcement


(psychology) a stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it

See also: reinforcer


a device designed to provide additional strength; "the cardboard backing was just a strengthener"; "he used gummed reinforcements to hold the page in his notebook"

See also: strengthener


an act performed to strengthen approved behavior

See also: reward