Regularise in a sentence as a verb

The common way to regularise market data for ML is to resample it to information bars.

Any time admin tried to regularise something, the affected physician would just state "If we make this change, children will die".

Bof, French does change, all of the time, and the Académie française only codifies and regularises these changes 30 years later -- it is irrelevant to the development of the language.

They’re not willing to officially regularise relations because they know how much their populace hates Israel but they’re perfectly willing to work with Israel.

I'm just curious whether that's telescope lingo or just your word choice?I don't want to call it an error, exactly, because it seems to be part of a trend of verbs being regularised in American English.

Regularise definitions


bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations; "We cannot regulate the way people dress"; "This town likes to regulate"

See also: regulate regularize order govern


make regular or more regular; "regularize the heart beat with a pace maker"

See also: regularize