Refreshment in a sentence as a noun

Brains need refreshment and creativity needs a full life outside work.

Don't drink on an empty stomach: the main point of the refreshment is the enhancement of food.

Oh and in case your wondering they used to offer beer in refreshment but that was cut out a couple of years ago.

I do not have an account yet, but I am already visiting the site a few times daily for refreshment.

Howard Rheingold used the phrase "lightweight digital refreshment" in 2001.

Have our hot Asians bring you a refreshment or carry you to the lounge area to take a power nap."What does this reflect?

If the exemption does not apply, you should accept that these refreshments represent a trivial benefit.

Have our hot, muscled men bring you a refreshment or carry you to the lounge area to take a power nap." It's human nature to enjoy attractive people, landscapes, art, etc, and I, as a man, don't feel worse off knowing that women might enjoy ogling attractive men.

The point is that if you need granular partial refreshment, your javascript needs to be a lot more smart, like what to do when add/update/remove a comment - that is you end-up writing view logic both client-side and server-side.

Is the flowing script supposed to represent refreshment and thirst-quenching?A logo's primary purpose is to be immediately recognizable and indelibly associated with a brand.

Each instruction does exactly one strictly-defined thing before moving to the next instruction - so simple!It will be interesting to see if my level of refreshment remains intact as the level of complexity inevitably explodes.

At my last work, the engineers who worked a 40-hour weeks explicitly chopped up their work according to '20 quality hours' - the idea is that you do 20 quality hours of work per week, the remainder of the time being taken up with minutae, or cerebral refreshment, or urgent this or that.

Refreshment definitions


snacks and drinks served as a light meal


activity that refreshes and recreates; activity that renews your health and spirits by enjoyment and relaxation; "time for rest and refreshment by the pool"; "days of joyous recreation with his friends"

See also: recreation