Refreshing in a sentence as an adjective

So refreshing to hear a corporate guy speak like a human being instead of a highly trained PR bot.

This is precisely what makes it so refreshing and beautiful.

The employment of content design would be quite refreshing, actually.

It's a bit beside the point, but I'd like to note how refreshing it is to read an honest shutting-down-and-wrapping-up post from a startup that had big dreams.

I find this to be refreshing in an era when many open-source projects seem to achieve adoption by being the loudest, rather than by being the best.

It's refreshing to see that all this buzz was the result of a glorious postal mishap, not a concerted effort to hijack our attention with a viral marketing stunt.

In a world where you only seem to get respected by using osx, vim, nodejs, python, ruby etc. its refreshing to see someone with so much influence working with Java and Eclipse on Windows!

Yes, large corporations do get away with this sort of thing all too often but it remains morally repulsive and it is inordinately refreshing when the day of comeuppance does arrive as it did here.

Snark and sarcasm aside, I am impressed with the level of detail that the IT department is sharing; it is refreshing to see such a disaster being discussed so openly and honestly, while at the same time treating customers like adults.

You should look into LocalStorage or IndexedDB as a way to autosave so the user doesn't lose their content by inadvertently closing the tab, navigating or refreshing.• Deleting a column is instant and irreversible.

Its really rare to see that much thought going into the aesthetics of stereotypically "geeky" applications like vim and terminals, even the website looks entirely different from pretty much every website I have seen around these toolsits a refreshing change, awesome work

Refreshing definitions


imparting vitality and energy; "the bracing mountain air"

See also: bracing brisk fresh refreshful tonic


pleasantly new or different; "common sense of a most refreshing sort"

See also: novel