Recurrence in a sentence as a noun

You can beat cancer and have a recurrence.

Yet I have no formal tools by which I can prove that my recurrence is right.

And am moderately amused by the recurrence of the themes over time.

Do you display the Monday occurrence of the original event even though it's not in the recurrence rule?

But there is no question that the English could have intervened, stopped most of the casualties, and there would not have been a quick recurrence of the famine.

Yes, expecting an eighth grader to solve a recurrence relation is beyond their ability, but they could make simpler approximations.

I'm 100% sure that my recurrence correctly describes the program's performance, and all of my colleagues agree with me that the recurrence is "obviously" valid.

These particular mistakes are not ones I would have made myself, but the important thing is that he's examining them intelligently and taking steps to prevent their recurrence.

But all the tools that can be used for this example -- direct formula, repeated squaring, dynamic programming -- can be used for more complicated recurrences also.

In recognizing that a travesty occurred, we don't just award points to one state and accord demerits to another: we also seek to avoid the recurrence of that travesty in the future.

Solving simple combinatorial, tree and graph search problems teaches you more about the practical uses of recursion than any amount of recurrence relations, IMO.

But I'm pleased that Heroku recognizes just how badly they screwed up, and that they're taking the two most important steps they can to prevent a recurrence: multi-region support, and continuous backups for everyone.

But if I ever take a job that involves programming full-time, I'll keep a sharp eye out for signs of a recurrence of my previous destructive / addictive relationship with the pleasure that comes from intensely focusing or concentrating.

This part confused me:"My job is to go beyond correctness, to an analysis of such things as the program's running time: I write down a recurrence, say, which is supposed to represent the average number of comparisons made by that program on random input data.

This started out taking baby steps, then took a huge leap in complexity right here:Since the Fibonacci numbers are defined by a linear recurrence, we can express the recurrence as a matrix, and its easy to verify that...It's been way too long since my math minor for me to understand that.

Recurrence definitions


happening again (especially at regular intervals); "the return of spring"

See also: return