Recovered in a sentence as an adjective

But every time I recovered I thought to myself "Wow, that was awful. Glad I'll never do that again!"

The markets have already recovered. The S&P was down a little bit on thurs and recovered by friday.

Luckily, she recovered fully and was back to her old self within about a month. She had surgery to fix the PFO a couple months later.

I recovered better. I decided to start consulting for other startups and have made a pretty good go of it.

The tech industry went through the bubble, recovered, and today is stronger than ever. What happened to Microsoft?

Compare to the original: Hard drive production 100% recovered, but prices to remain high until 2014 Which one is more informative at a glance?

We still haven't recovered all the jobs we lost, by either absolute or percentage. * Increased automation and efficiency is slowly removing those jobs you just described.

But surprisingly quickly, I recovered. Without social expectations of permanent trauma, the mind seems to be quite resilient.

Tens of thousands of dollars in expenses on their side, and roughly zero dollars in recovered costs from the business they destroyed or the guy they sent in to bankruptcy. Unless their goal is simply revenge, there's really no reason for them to follow through with such a course of action.

My parents have never fully recovered emotionally. It has taken me years to integrate the experience, and I still have ghastly memories of the pains she endured recovering from unnecessary surgeries.

It took me almost two years to really feel recovered physically from the constant assault on my immune system. My fitness levels also took a nose-dive during that time, either from being constantly ill or from stress loads so high that I'd simply come home and lock myself in my home office and not come out till I went to bed.

As a direct result, social programs for the countrys unemployed were radically eroded and have never recovered, despite many subsequent surplus budgets. The crisis strategy was used again and again in this period.

So he and the others did, and along with it recovered Sony's private key used to sign PS3 software, allowing Linux to access all the hardware of the PS3, as well as running other homebrew software. Less-scrupulous individuals, not including GeoHot himself, used the aforementioned work to run pirated software on the PS3.

That's 752 customers that were elated to find out that they could recover a droplet that was mistakenly destroyed so obviously this is a very beneficial feature since each time one of those customers recovered a droplet it was a huge win for them. We assumed that since the temporary snapshots are automatically destroyed this would not be an issue.

] The purpose of services like DDG is to reduce the amount of casually collected, personally-identifiable private data you might be strewing about - data that might potentially be recovered and might potentially be used against you or used in ways that you don't like. If you are specifically targeted by an investigation, a law-enforcement agency like the FBI, armed with probable cause and warrants can tap your phone, search your house, track your location, log your keystrokes, etc, etc.

Quote Examples using Recovered

During these 3 months, I recovered from blindness, but not completely. I still have a blind spot in my field of view today. It took 6 months before my mood was really restored. Before that, I needed a daily nap, lots of soothing music, and no pressure at all. I took aspirin daily for 3 years, after which my neurologist told me I could stop. I had a few migraines after that, and even ended under oxygen at the hospital once, but I always recovered within 15 days.


Recovered definitions


freed from illness or injury; "the patient appears cured"; "the incision is healed"; "appears to be entirely recovered"; "when the recovered patient tries to remember what occurred during his delirium"- Normon Cameron

See also: cured healed


found after being lost