Reclusive in a sentence as an adjective

Mr. Ismail is far too reclusive to ever show his face.

At 12-13, I have ridden bicycle to the most reclusive parts of the neighbourhood.

She did this to this guy only because he's reclusive and powerless.

He was painted as a reclusive, harmless nerd by FBI in an attempt to reduce his influence.

There is no reclusive mad scientist working in some dank basement on the next-best-great-thing.

I dont have a track record of being reclusive, so I wouldnt be offended by someone persisting a bit.

That's called opening the door to the reclusive developer communities of the past.

It spends a page talking about _whys desire for anonymity and reclusive nature.

Gradually, as he had toiled without progress, his reputation had faded and he had become increasingly reclusive.

In any case, if you are good, even the most reclusive and introverted developer/designer/inventor is going to have some people he talks to.

I like to think of _why today living a quiet, reclusive life in Pennsylvania with his wife and children, peacefully working on his own projects and art.

I wouldn't leave my room for weeks on end; on a few occasions I was so successfully reclusive that people worried that I disappeared or died called the police to investigate.

I wonder if the Sunday-morning infomercial is just to set the "advertising" base?I looked into the station once, and it seems to be run by a wealthy, reclusive guy as a hobby.

>> "It's one thing to be a recluse who scorns 'normal, social people'"This is not a stigmatizing statement at all. tone = {sarcasm: "implied"};Perhaps people who would feel the urge to be reclusive would be more social if people like you kept your mouths shut every once in a while and didn't say pathetically pretentious things like "us normal, social people".

There's a Kickstarter-funded documentary coming out called Stripped about comic strips, which has an audio interview with him. I'm amazed and cannot fathom how they got that, as he's notoriously reclusive, supposedly even more so after he stopped writing Calvin and Hobbes.

Reclusive definitions


withdrawn from society; seeking solitude; "lived an unsocial reclusive life"

See also: recluse withdrawn


providing privacy or seclusion; "the cloistered academic world of books"; "sat close together in the sequestered pergola"; "sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree"; "a secluded romantic spot"

See also: cloistered secluded sequestered