Realization in a sentence as a noun

I won't post anonymously in case anyone wants to contact me. I came to the realization about 2 years that I am addicted to porn.

Microsoft acquired my startup and I spent 2 years there wondering what the **** was going on until I came to that realization.

Then a fist slams on the table and the realization strikes you that the first part of the description was a kind of set up, this beautiful ruse.

Namely, that they have come to the realization that they can not be trusted to effectively regulate the nuclear power industry.

What really gets me going is the realization of how much more value people would produce if they could own their lives outright instead of renting it from one boss to the next.

It really puts things in perspective, and we hopefully shouldn't need a life-threatening event to come to this realization.

NIH and the rest of the scientific community are just now waking up to the realization that science has lost its way, and it may take years to get back on the right path.

I think we're going to run into the same issues, of it becoming a cool bandwagon, the platform being stretched to its breaking point, followed by the realization that there are serious problems.

There is a looming realization of Google controlling the majority of online advertising and that one mistake will probably haunt me for many years/services to come.

They believed wealth would be an end-in-itself, and upon reaching that holy grail of financial security, they were struck with the terrible realization that there was no instant nirvana waiting for them.

It's comforting to think that there is a highly trained law enforcement group that can intercede when a local department is incompetent or inadequate, and the realization that the FBI can be just as bad or even worse than local law enforcement is disheartening.

Coincidentally just yesterday I received an update from bug tracker that bug I reported four years ago is still in.- Development of D pretty much relied on one man alone- out of frustration and a tight deadline, I developed something in C at that time and came to a realization that "it just works".

Realization definitions


coming to understand something clearly and distinctly; "a growing realization of the risk involved"; "a sudden recognition of the problem he faced"; "increasing recognition that diabetes frequently coexists with other chronic diseases"

See also: realisation recognition


making real or giving the appearance of reality

See also: realisation actualization actualisation


a musical composition that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composer

See also: realisation


a sale in order to obtain money (as a sale of stock or a sale of the estate of a bankrupt person) or the money so obtained

See also: realisation


the completion or enrichment of a piece of music left sparsely notated by a composer

See also: realisation


something that is made real or concrete; "the victory was the realization of a whole year's work"

See also: realisation fruition